Maximize your savings with the Safeway Deals & Delivery app! Get all your deals, coupons and rewards in one easy place with up to 20% in weekly savings.* One app handles all your shopping needs from planning your next store run to ordering DriveUp & Go™ or letting us deliver to you. Download and register to start saving.
*For Safeway for U™ up to 20% weekly savings percentage details visit Safeway for U™ Terms & Conditions
Start the new year off right with all your health and wellness needs shipped right to your door. Pre-workout, post-workout, vitamins, minerals, sports nutrition, and dietary supplements, Marketplace has you covered.
Enjoy easy meal kits and prepared meals for pickup or grocery delivery! Our Ready Meals include deliciously fresh: - Sandwiches & Salads - Deli Meals - Soups & Sides - Ready to cook, heat or just eat - Available for Delivery or Pickup
[c_groceryBrand] Business is proud to serve local businesses with the widest assortment of snacks, beverages, catering, paper products and more. From the break room to the board room, [c_groceryBrand] Business has something everyone in the office will enjoy.
Events at Safeway Grocery Delivery & PickUp 20629 Redwood Rd
Stock Up Sale!
January 1 - April 29
Stock up, save big, earn 4x points! Then redeem for groceries or fuel rewards!
*Safeway or Vons for U®coupon must be downloaded to your account to start earning. Additional restrictions apply. For full terms and conditions please visit or
In most areas the Safeway regular home Delivery fee can be up to $9.95, depending on the selected delivery window.
Yes, Safeway located at 20629 Redwood Rd, Castro Valley, CA offers Grocery Delivery, Shop online now!
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express credit cards, and debit cards that have a Visa or MasterCard logo. We also accept SNAP EBT/EBT Cash payment cards for in-store purchases, and for online Pickup orders at select locations. (Visit our SNAP FAQ page to learn more.)Our store gift cards, cash, Fast Forward, personal checks and other charge accounts are currently not accepted for online orders.
$30 Off on your first DriveUp & Go™ order when you spend $75 or more** Enter Promo Code SAVE30 at checkout
TO SAVE $30 YOU MUST SPEND $75 OR MORE IN A SINGLE TRANSACTION FOR YOUR FIRST ONLINE PICKUP OR DELIVERY ORDER OF QUALIFYING ITEMS PURCHASED VIA A COMPANY-OWNED CHANNEL (i.e. THE Safeway WEBSITE OR MOBILE APP). OFFER DOES NOT APPLY TO ONLINE ORDERS PLACED THROUGH A THIRD-PARTY SUCH AS Instacart, UberEats, DoorDash, ETC. OR ON ORDERS SCHEDULED FOR PICKUP OR DELIVERY AFTER THE OFFER EXPIRATION DATE. Must select PICKUP or DELIVERY option and enter Promo Code SAVE30 at checkout. VALID FOR 1ST TIME ONLINE GROCERY ORDER. LIMIT 1 TIME USE PER HOUSEHOLD ONLY. Eligibility and prior promo code usage will be validated before final application to Order. If we identify from user information submitted or obtained with Order that Promo Code has previously been used by user or household, submission by user is ineligible for promotion and Promo Code will be invalidated for submitted Order. This determination will be at our sole discretion and user of invalidated Promo Code will receive a message that coupon has been invalidated prior to Order finalization. Minimum purchase amount is calculated based on subtotal of all qualifying items at checkout after deduction of all other promotions, offers, discounts, and savings and excludes alcoholic beverages, tobacco, and fluid dairy products, bottle/container deposits, and any fees, charges, and taxes. Offer may not be combined with any other promotion, offer, discount or savings and other restrictions may apply. We reserve the right to modify or cancel offers/orders and/or to correct typographical, pictorial, and other ad or pricing errors. Please review our Online Ordering Services Terms for specific information related to online delivery and pickup purchases.